Exhibitions while alive

Italy 1946 (?)




Catalogue of one of the exhibitions in «Circolo Artistico Internazionale». Wojnarski often came here to draw nudes. Maybe he exhibited here, too?

Source: Prof. dr Jan W. Sienkiewicz, Astyści Andersa 2017 s. 29

My father certainly already exhibited in Rome. Unfortunately, I haven’t found a trace of them until now. The Polish artists exhibited their works in the “Associazione Artistica Internazionale – Circolo Artistico”, the “Associazione Artistica Internazionale – ART CLUB” and other places.
I am very grateful for all informations and guidances from the readers.
Tadeusz Wojnarski jr.


Tadeusz Wojnarski before Museo del Arte Moderno, Madrid. November 1947

20 november to 7 december 1947

1. Stamp Hall of the Museum of Modern Art (Salon de estampas del Museo del Arte Moderno de Madrid)

Source: exhibition catalogue
Individual exhibition

Invitation to the exhibition

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

14 to 19 april 1948

2. Sociedad Económica de Aligos del Pais, Malagá

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

Extract from the art folder of Tadeusz Wojnarski „Cuaderno de Arte III”

At one of the early exhibitions in Spain

July 1948

3. Unknown location, Montevideo

Source: Art folder of Wojnarski „Cuaderno de Arte III”
Individual exhibition (?)

Invitation to the exhibition

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

4 to 17 february 1952

4. Galerias XAGRA, Paseo de Recoletos, Madrid

Source: Invitation to the exhibition and magazine ABC
Individual exhibition

Invitation to the exhibition

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

8 to 18 novemver 1952

5. Salón de Exposiciónes „Los Sótanos“, Madrid

Source: Invitation to the exhibition without date
    Source: Art folder of Wojnarski „Cuaderno de Arte III”
    Review „Los Sótanos“: 11.1952
Individual exhibition

Invitation to the exhibition

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

29 december 1952 to 9 january 1953

6. ESTILO, Trinidad 12, Castellon

Sources: Invitation to the exhibition without date
    Source: Art folder of Wojnarski „Cuaderno de Arte III”
    Review „Estilo“, Trinidad: 30.12.1952
Individual exhibition

Invitation to the exhibition

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

16 to 22 march 1953

7. Salones de Cultura, Vitoria

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Collective exhibition: Eduard Kieszkiewicz, Mirosław Sokołowski, Piotr Wróblewski and others 3 non-Poles

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

Invitation to the exhibition

14 april to ??? 1953

8. MATEU ARTE, Pintor Sorolla, 15 , Valencia

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

At one of the early exhibitions in Spain

24 april to 8 may 19??

9. Salón de Exposiciones del Circulo Medina – Obra Católica de Asistencia Universitaria, Madrid

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Collective exhibition: Piotr Wróblewski and others 3 non-Poles

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

Piotr Wróblewski: Sevilla, Plaza de San Salvador 1953

8 april to 18 may 1954

10. Salón de Expociciones de la Asociacion de la Prensa de Zaragoza – Obra Católica de Asistencia Universitaria

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Collective exhibition: Eduard Kieszkiewicz, Pedro Wróblewski and others 3 non-Poles. Piotr Wróblewski has exhibited two drawings of views of the city of Seville, perhaps also the one on the left. The drawing is owned by the Wojnarski family.

Invitation to the exhibition

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

20 may to 3 june 1954

11. Club Suizo, Salones del Club, Madrid

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Ceramic jewellery – Individual exhibition TW

Invitation to the exhibition

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list


12. Circulo Medina – S. E. U. De Bellas Artes

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Collective exhibition: wiele plastyków. TW wystawia 3 obrazy

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

Invitation to the exhibition

3 to 15 august 1954

13. Salon Parroquial de Zarauz, Zarauz

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

Invitation to the exhibition

25 do 31 august 1954

14. Sala de Arte del Circulo Cultural y Ateneo Guipuzcoano, San Sebastian

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

Zaproszenie do wystawy malarstwa religijnego w Madrycie styczeń 1955

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

11 do 26 january 1955

15. Obra Católica de Asistencia Universitaria, Sala Abril, Madrid

Pintura religiosa (religious painting)

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

Tadeusz Wojnarski showed his Way of the Cross before he left for Świętoniowa (Poland).

Take a look at the brochure of the Way of the Cross:

Droga Krzyżowa Świętoniowej (PL)Der Kreuzweg von Świętoniowa (DE)

Invitation to the exhibition

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

14 april to 5 may 1956

17. Club Suizo, Madrid

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

21 to 30 june 1956

18. Salon de Arte, San Prudencio 3, Vitoria

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

Invitation to the exhibition

La Virgen y el Niño (Alonso Cano)

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

San Jerónimo (Rivera)

7 to 13 november 1956

20. Caja de Ahorros Municipal de Pamplona

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

At the exhibition, among other pictures, 5 copies of masters in the Prado Museum, two of them are lost (Maria with the Child Jesus and St. Hieronym)

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

Invitation for the exhibition with picture list

19 may 1958

21. Club Suizo, Madrid

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

Zaproszenie do wystawy i do spektaklu marionetek

katalog, spis dzieł (olej i tusz)

katalog, spis dzieł (3 skulptury)

May (?) 1958

22. Instituto Central de Cultura Religiosa Superior, Madrid

Source: Invitation to the exhibition (25 years of institution)
Collective exhibition: 16 artists. Wojnarski exhibits 9 oil paintings, 15 drawings and 3 sculpturals (of plaster: Ewa Wojnarska and Maria with the Child Jesus, who is lost)

A performance by the Wojnarski Puppet Theatre on Saturday, 17th ( probably) May 1958


1 may to ??? 1955

16. Palacio Foz, Secretariado Nacional da informação Cutura e Turismo, Lisboa

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition


Invitation to the exhibition

17 september to 21 october 1955

19. Restaurant und Kunststuben Maria Benedetti, Küsnacht ZH

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Collective exhibition: 10 artists

Invitation to the exhibition

13 september to 1 october 1961

23. Städtische Kunstkammer zum Strauhof, Zürich

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

A well-known art critic, Fritz Billeter, wrote that a visit to the Strauhhof this time is not worthwhile, because the paintings are too realistic. It has hurt Wojnarski for years.

21 november to 21 december 1969

24. Own atelier, Zürich

Seebacherstrasse 14

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

22 november to 13 december 1970

25. Own atelier, Zürich

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

26 november to 17 december 1972

26. Own atelier, Zürich

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

25 november to 16 december 1973

27. Own atelier, Zürich

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

23 november to 15 december 1974

28. Own atelier, Zürich

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

Dom Polski (polish club), december 1975

november / december 1975

30. Dom Polski (polish club), Zürich

On the occasion of the opening of the «Dom Polski», Eisfeldstrasse 6

Source: Photographs and date on one of them
Individual exhibition

Muzeum Polski (Polish Museum) in Rapperswil,
21 april 1979

Opening of the exhibition: Janusz Morkowski, Walter Domeisen sen., Hans Rathgeb

21 april to ??? 1979

31. Muzeum Polski (Polish Museum) in Rapperswil

Vernissage on the occasion of the General Assembly of the Association of Friends of the Polish Museum

Exhibition title: Fate of a Polish (Polish title: Malaż wygnańczych losów). Images, photographs, documents. Few images that were created during the Kieg were shown, especially current works.

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

28 june to 27 july 1980

32. Kurhaus Heiden, Heiden AR

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Collective exhibition: Tadeusz Wojnarski, Frank and Janina Kaegi-Bochenska

Tadeusz Wojnarski
in his atelier

22 november to ?? december 1980

33. Own new atelier, Zürich

On the occasion of opening a new atelier
Opfikonerstrasse 156

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

6 to 21 june 1981

34. Foyer Stadttheater St. Gallen

Source: Invitation to the exhibition and poster
Collective exhibition: Tadeusz Wojnarski, Frank ans Janina Kaegi-Bochenska

21 august to 16 october 1981

35. Galerie & Edition Ra
Dr. Peter Dolezal, Wehntalerstr. 142

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

2 february to 31 march 1982

36. IMAKA, Zürich
Seehofstrasse 16

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

16 november to 23 december 1984

37. Dom Polski (polish club), Zürich, Zürich
Eisfeldstrasse 6

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

Vernissage ca. 1985. The name of the artist left of Wojnarski is unknown

Unknown date, ca. 1985

38. Unknown location

Source: Memory of Tadeusz Wojnarski Jr. and photos taken by him
Collective exhibition: Tadeusz Wojnarski and a second Polish artist living in Switzerland

8 august to 6 september 1987

39. Galerie zum Elephanten, Zurzach
Organizer: Künstlervereinigung Zürich (Zurich Artists› Association)

Source: Galerie zum Elephanten 1976-2011   i   PDF Galerie zum Elephanten, Zurzach, s. 13, 1987
Collective exhibition: 18 artists

Invitation to the exhibition

Lista wystawionych 87 prac cenami

28 march to 18 april 1992

40. Galerie Tenne, Zürich
Probsteistrasse 1

A big exhibition. A list of the 87 exhibited works has been preserved
Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

20 may tdo 12 july 1992

41. Galerie Alterszentrum Hottingen, Zürich

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

Tadeusz Wojnarski in front of the portrait of Julian Godlewski during the vernissage 29.08.1992

29 august to ??? 1992

42. Muzeum Polski (Polish Museum) in Rapperswil
Organizer: Polish Cultural Foundation LIBERTAS (Polska Fundacja Kulturalna LIBERTAS).

Paintings and drawings by Tadeusz Wojnarski (Polish title: Obrazy i rysunki Tadeusza Wojnarskiego)

During the vernissage he was honoured with the Julian-Godlewskie-Award

Source: Invitation to the exhibition and Łucja Morkowska: Polenmuseum in Rapperswil 1973-2005, ISBN: 978-3-9800067-9-8. Own publishing, 16.8.2008 and Muzeum Polskie w Rapperswilu 1973-2005, ISBN 978-83-7022-184-3, Arx Regia Ośrodek Wydawniczy Zamku Królewskiego, 2010

4 to 13 february 1996

43. Zentrum Luegisland, Zürich
Small exhibition on the occasion of a drawing course

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition

Exposition in three long windows on the street

October 1998

44. Fenstergalerie (Window gallery) at the Stampfenbachstrasse, Zürich
Organizer: Künstlervereinigung Zürich (Zurich Artists› Association)

Source: Invitation to the exhibition
Individual exhibition


Nela Wojnarska. In front of the bookstore window. Photo.: Jan Wojnarski (husband)

Fabruary 1975

29. Unknown bookstore in Krakow

Exhibition title: Old Spain and Portugal

Source: Foto (date on the back: 23.2.1975).
Individual exhibition

Drawing courses

Tadeusz organised many drawing courses in his life, including at the Polish Museum in Rapperswil and the Polenhaus in Zurich. Only three are documented.

13 to 25 june 1992

Familienherberge (Family hostel), Bergün

Source: Invitation to the drawing course
Vacation course


19 september to 3 october 1992

Gresgsan, Schwarzwald, Niemcy

Source: Invitation – to the drawing course
Vacation course

Invitation to the drawing course

4 to 13 february 1996

Zentrum Luegisland, Zürich

Source: Invitation to the drawing course

Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone dla  – Alle Rechte vorbehalten für – All rights reserved by:

Tadeusz Wojnarski 2020-2025

Webdesign:   S P E C T A R 
Odpowiedyialność – Verantwortung – Responsibility:
Tadeusz Wojnarski (jun.)

Tadeusz Wojnarski
Heidenbüelstrassse 19
CH-8352 Räterschen (Elsau) 
Schweiz – Szwajcarja – Switzerland
Tel: 0041 52 363 13 09
Mobile: 0041 78 403 86 36
E-mail: wtadeusz(at)bluewin.ch

Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone dla Tadeusz Wojnarski 2020-2021 – All rights reserved by Tadeusz Wojnarski 2020-2021

Webdesign:   S P E C T A R 
Odpowiedyialność – Verantwortung – Responsibility:
Tadeusz Wojnarski (jun.)