Exhibitions after death

Only the article of the Siberian Memorial Museum Białystok is available in English


April 1-16, 2023

Le Caveau, Galerie d’art, Saint Ursanne JU

Homeland Switzerland – the fate of a Polish artist

Tragic youth and the longing for homeland and harmony

The vernissage on April 1st at 5 p.m. and the finissage on April 16th at 6 p.m. are open to the public – welcome!

Ici à la page française

The website is currently only in German, French and Polish


15 to 19 may 2019

Abbey of Monte Cassino

Part of the exhibition «Gulag-prisoner, soldier and artist» („Z nieludzkiej ziemi do Włoch”)

Download PDF: Extensive exhibition catalogue in Italian:

Catalogo della mostra all’Abbazia di Monte Cassino, maggio 2019


23 august to 13 october 2019

Muzeum Regionalne w Jaśle MRJ (Regional Museum in Jasło)

«Gulag-prisoner, soldier and artist» („Z nieludzkiej ziemi do Włoch”)

13 october 2019 – various exhibitions

Muzeum Pamięci Sybir MPS, Białystok (Siberian Memorial Museum)

Mini-exhibition of 12 portraits of soldiers of the 2nd Polish Corps in Italy

Link to a museum article in English:

The opening of the watercolor of Tadeusz Wojnarski  

17 october to 1 december 2019

Muzeum Historyczne w Sanoku (Historical Museum in Sanok)

«Gulag-prisoner, soldier and artist» („Z nieludzkiej ziemi do Włoch”)

11 january to 23 february 2020 
Muzeum w Przeworsku (Museum in Przweworsk)

«Gulag-prisoner, soldier and artist» („Z nieludzkiej ziemi do Włoch”)

and Wojnarskis Way of the Cross 1953/54

2 mars do 15 april 2020 
Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna im. Hieronima Łopacińskiego, Lublin (Lublin Voivodeship Public Library)

«Gulag-prisoner, soldier and artist» („Z nieludzkiej ziemi do Włoch”)

As a result of the Covit 19 crisis, the library and thus also the exhibition had to be closed prematurely. She left a big impression at the vernissage.

29. Oktober 2021 bis 27. Februar 2022 

Łazienki Royal Palace, Recruit Barracks (Koszary Kantonistów), Warsaw

Swiss landscapes. Tadeusz Wojnarski 1922 – 1999 (The Soul in the Mirror)

The Museum of Hunting and Riding (Muzeum Łowiectwa i Jeździectwa), part of the Łazienki Royal Palace in Warsaw, has curated a new exhibition of landscape paintings from the entire period of Wojnarski’s artistic activity. In my co-creation I tried to incorporate the aspect “The soul in the mirror image“. Already in the first year of his studies in Rome in 1946, my father received a decisive insight from Marian Bohusz Szyszko, his first professor of fine arts: “Every picture of me is not so much a picture of myself as a picture of myself. My self-portrait. It’s like a part of me. And only those who read a work of art in this way are on the right track to judge it correctly. The depth of a work of art is a picture of the depth of the soul of its creator.“ I had suggested the picture on the left as a poster. It was created in 1951 during my parents› honeymoon in Mallorca. The tree, bent by many fates during the war, is awakening to new life and looking optimistically to the future. My father’s most beautiful self-portrait. Finally, a Swiss motif was chosen, because the focus of the exhibition was not the biography, but Swiss landscapes. he exhibition was co-organised by the Swiss Embassy in Warsaw.

The exhibition comprised 50 exhibits. An exhibition catalogue was also published in Polish and English.



Canceled exhibitions due to Covid-19

21 april to end of may
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej,

Centrum Edukacyjne „Przystanek Historia”, Kraków

«Gulag-prisoner, soldier and artist» („Z nieludzkiej ziemi do Włoch”)

18 june to 26 july 2020 
Swiss Embassy in Warsaw

Mini-exhibition of 12 portraits of soldiers of the 2nd Polish Corps in Italy. On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the internment in Switzerland of the 2nd Infantry Division 2DSP.

22 june to 26 july2020 
Muzeum Okręgowe w Tarnowie, Tarnów

«Gulag-prisoner, soldier and artist» („Z nieludzkiej ziemi do Włoch”)

Further exhibitions

Here we will inform you about further exhibition activities.

If you as a museum or institution are interested in an exhibition from around January 2022, please send me an e-mail: Tadeusz Wojnarski jr. wtadeusz(at)bluewin.ch

Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone dla  – Alle Rechte vorbehalten für – All rights reserved by:

Tadeusz Wojnarski 2020-2025

Webdesign:   S P E C T A R 
Odpowiedyialność – Verantwortung – Responsibility:
Tadeusz Wojnarski (jun.)

Tadeusz Wojnarski
Heidenbüelstrassse 19
CH-8352 Räterschen (Elsau) 
Schweiz – Szwajcarja – Switzerland
Tel: 0041 52 363 13 09
Mobile: 0041 78 403 86 36
E-mail: wtadeusz(at)bluewin.ch

Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone dla Tadeusz Wojnarski 2020-2021 – All rights reserved by Tadeusz Wojnarski 2020-2021

Webdesign:   S P E C T A R 
Odpowiedyialność – Verantwortung – Responsibility:
Tadeusz Wojnarski (jun.)